
Colour Anodizing: P&A has built a reputation top quality aluminium anodizing services. Along with traditional electrochemical, anodic, and hard coat finishes, we offer an architectural anodizing process that imparts a durable, long-life finish to components used on building exteriors. We also offer the aesthetically pleasing bright dip process that gives the finished piece a richly coloured, reflective, mirror type finish.

Aluminium Extrusions

Hot Aluminium Extrusion:
Hot extrusion is done at fairly high temperatures, approximately 50 to 75 % of the melting point of the metal. The pressures can range from 35-700 MPa (5076 – 101,525 psi). Due to the high temperatures and pressures and its detrimental effect on the die life as well as other components, good lubrication is necessary. Oil and graphite work at lower temperatures, whereas at higher temperatures glass powder is used.
Typical parts produced by extrusions are trim parts used in automotive and construction applications, window frame members, railings, aircraft structural parts.

Cold Aluminium Extrusion:
Cold extrusion is the process done at room temperature or slightly elevated temperatures. This process can be used for most materials-subject to designing robust enough tooling that can withstand the stresses created by extrusion. Examples of the metals that can be extruded are lead, tin, aluminium alloys, copper, titanium, molybdenum, vanadium, steel. Examples of parts that are cold extruded are collapsible tubes, aluminium cans, cylinders, gear blanks.

Solution Heat Treatment:
This process is performed by maintaining the proper exit temperature as the extrusion emerges from the press during the extrusion process, and then quenching it at the proper rate. Temperatures and rates vary by alloy. Holding the extrusions at the proper temperature allows the aluminium, along with any alloying elements, to enter into a solid solution.

Artificial Aging:
Magnesium and silicon are the major alloying elements in 6000 series alloys. These elements combine to form magnesium silicide. The artificial aging process produces fine grain magnesium silicide precipitates that will increase the strength of the 6000 alloys. Due to the effects on the magnesium silicide precipitates, this process can also be called precipitation heat treatment. The aging process also occurs naturally (uncontrolled) over time. However, by controlling the times and temperatures in the artificial aging ovens, maximum strength and benefits can be realized.

Tooling and Design:
Early involvement in the design process allows us to work with your design staff to meet the toughest design challenges. Whether your part requires solid, semi-hollow or hollow profiles, we can create the proper tooling to meet the fit, form and function required for your parts to perform. We strive to provide recommendations that can save you time and money.